Import a Data Model

{ importModel }

Imports a materialized data model from a PIE file and deploys it



  • API Section: /API2/dataSources
  • API Version: 2.0
  • From Release: 2018.5
  • Method operates via POST actions only.
  • Input Parameters



    Object Type


    The object representing the details for where to import a model PIE file.

    Output Response

    Successful Result Code


    Description of Response Type

    successful operation


    This functions does not import the model definition file - it imports a live, active materialized model. Use 'importContent' method to import model definition files to the content manager. The response from the method - connection string - shows the final connection string of the deployed model.It is recommended that this API would not get executed in parallel.

    Data Source Operations (JavaScript):

    This example demonstrates how to operate with data sources.

    The example uses API authentication driven from JavaScript. See Authentication APIs for alternatives.

    // URL of the Pyramid installation and the path to the API 2.0 REST methods
    var pyramidURL = "";
    // step 1: authenticate admin account and get token
    // NOTE: callApi method is a generic REST method shown below.
    let token = callApi("auth/authenticateUser",{
    log("got token "+token);
    // step 2: find roles in the system
    let findRole = callApi("access/getRolesByName",{
    	"data": {
    		"searchValue": "role1",
    		"searchMatchType": 2//SearchMatchType.Equals
    	"auth": token // admin token generated above
    log("found role with id= "+ roleId);
    // step 3: add a new data source server (IMDB)
    let createDataServer = callApi("dataSources/createDataServer",{
    	"serverData": {
    		"serverName": "new server",
    		"serverType":13,// use the server type enumeration. 13 = IMDB
    		"serverIp": "",
    	"auth": token // admin token generated above
    log("created dataserver= "+ dataServerId);
    // step 4: secure server from step 3 with roles
    let addRolesToServer = callApi("dataSources/addRolesToServer",{
    	"itemRoles": {
    	"auth": token
    log("added role1 to the newly created server");
    // step 5: optional: check the roels on the server
    let getRolesByServer= callApi("dataSources/getRolesByServer",{
    	"serverId": dataServerId,
    	"auth": token
    // step 6: recognize an existing database on the server
    //use this method when you want to address the database in Pyramid
    let recognizeDataBase = callApi("dataSources/recognizeDataBase",{
    	"dataBaseRecognitionObject": {
    		"serverId":dataServerId, //this comes from step 3 above
    	"auth": token
    log("found database "+databaseId+" at the dataserver");
    // step 7: secure the database from step 3 with roles
    let addRolesToDataBase = callApi("dataSources/addRolesToDataBase",{
    	"itemRoles": {
    	"auth": token
    // step 8A: read in an existing data model from a PIE file
    let file="";
    let modelData=readPieFile(file);
    // step 8B: import the file content into Pyramid
    let importModel = callApi("dataSources/importModel",{
    	"modelApiObject": {
    		"fileZippedData":modelData, //model data from step 8A
    		"databaseId":databaseId, //from step 6
    	"auth": token
    // step 9: secure the model from step 3 with roles
    let addRolesToModel = callApi("dataSources/addRolesToModel",{
    	"itemRoles": {
    		"itemId":importModel.modelId, //from step 8B
    	"auth": token
    //step 10: delete the model
    let deleteMaterializedModel = callApi("dataSources/deleteMaterializedModel",{
    	"modelId": importModel.modelId,
    	"auth": token
    //step 11: delete the database
    let deleteDataBase=callApi("dataSources/deleteDataBase",{
    	"databaseId": databaseId,
    	"auth": token
    //step 12: delete the dta source (server)
    let deleteDataSource = callApi("dataSources/deleteDataSource",{
    	"sourceId": dataServerId,
    	"auth": token
    function log(msg){
    function callApi(path,data,parseResult=true){
    	var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", pyramidURL+path, false);
    		return JSON.parse(xhttp.responseText);
    		return xhttp.responseText;
    //example function to read in the contents of a 'PIE' file that contains
    //exported Pyramid content.
    function readPieFile(file){
    	var rawFile = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", file, false);
    	rawFile.onreadystatechange = function () {
    		if (request.readyState === 4 && request.status === 200) {
    			return request.responseText;